President Letter

Hello all and Happy New Year!
Just a quick welcome to all of our existing members and to all of our new members this New
Year. With this being my second term as club president, I hope to keep this upward and forward
direction that we are on.
One big change this year that we started working on last year is our switch to Chronotrack. It
was not done on a whim and all those involved in the decision came out with very positive
reviews. As with everything, it will take time to get used to the new format, but we believe it will
bring better feedback and immediate race results.   Thank you to Katie Rodriguez, past
president, for leading us in the right direction.
In January we always talk about resolutions; run more, eat healthier, read a book or even sign
up for a big race.  I won’t tell you to engage in such nonsense.  If you are reading this you are
probably already doing those things and more. So, for me, a goal I want to work on is to be a
better listener.  It’s amazing what I learn if I just stop and listen.

We are a small running club that is always trying to improve and we will continue on our upward
trend and hope to see more new faces at our meetings and club sponsored races.   The club is
also currently looking for a treasurer in training. So, if you are interested please let me know. We
will continue to meet once a month at Cada Vez (second Tuesday of the month), and as always,
all members are invited to the meetings.
Every step counts,
Cell 806-206-5795